

Meditation is the art of focusing your complete, undivided attention to one thing (usually yourself). It is a way for you to quiet your mind and your body – to get away from the daily stresses of life. Many of us are caught up worrying about our future or regretting the past. Meditation is designed to help you understand what it truly means to live in the “NOW.” Being present isn’t easy, and it takes time.

You may be more familiar with the term “visualization,” and you might be asking, “What’s the difference?” Visualization is very similar and an exceptional tool – a tool to help you visually understand and know what you desire to become. Meditation is a tool to help you understand who and what you already are.





  1. Find Time. Find time for your meditation. It can be as simple as just a couple of minutes out of the day. Figure out the time that is best for you whether that’s in the early morning when your mind is fresh, mid-day to take a break from the hectic day or in the evening to recap and finish off the day on a healthy and good note.
  2. Find a comfortable place in your home, outside, wherever – all that matters is that that place is quiet, safe and meaningful to you.
  3. Sit or lie down. You may meditate however you feel called to do so, but make sure however you meditate, you are comfortable. It is recommended that you either lie down on your back or sit up straight so that your spine is in line, creating an even energy flow.
  4. Use Incense. Incense is not a necessity, but it does help unlock and heighten your senses. Any incense can work, Nag Champa is recommended.
  5. Use a soft light. While meditating, it helps to have a soft light near you. A Himalayan Salt Lamp is recommended.
  6. Music. Music is not a necessity, but definitely helps. Youtube has great meditation music. Make sure it is meditation music with either Delta Waves or Theta Waves. Play this music lightly in the background – it will help balance your brain waves.
  7. Breathe. Start with focusing on your breath. The simplicity of deep breathing in and breathing out will command your awareness. You may breathe with your eyes open, but generally with your eyes closed helps.
  8. Notice your body. While breathing, start to focus on your energy. Follow that energy as it moves from the top of your head, through your arms, down your body, all the way to your legs and feet.
  9. Do not stress. Meditation is designed to get rid of your stress. Stress, worrying, anxiety and fear all exist only in the future. The first couple times you meditate may be difficult. Many of us have gotten into the habit of constantly having to be doing something. Remember, you are DOING, so focus on that, and that alone.
  10. Be Grateful. After your meditation, take a few moments to recognize what you just experienced and the love that you will feel for yourself and the world. Take that love and light and share it with others.


Something very important to understand about meditation is that it doesn’t happen over night. There is a reason why they call it the “practice” of meditation, because you must practice, practice, practice. You only need a few minutes out of the day to meditate. Instead of watching that extra five minutes of TV or instead of surfing on the web that extra five minutes, take the time to meditate as this is a gift by you, for you. You will notice that time will start to slow down, you will start to think more clearly and, most importantly, you will learn how to be your true self.

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